The artwork titled “Tang,” created by Kenny Scharf in 2007, is a still life piece associated with the Lowbrow Art movement. This artwork features a prominent jar of Tang, a breakfast drink, set against a vibrant and dynamic cosmic backdrop. The jar, labeled with the drink’s branding and nutritional information, takes center stage. Surrounding it, an array of classic cars and spaceships float through a star-studded expanse, contributing to the fantastical and surreal quality characteristic of Lowbrow Art. Additionally, a human hand holding a small device is depicted in the lower left corner, further emphasizing the eclectic and imaginative interplay of everyday objects within an extraordinary setting. Such juxtaposition highlights Scharf’s unique artistic approach and his ability to infuse mundane items with a whimsical, otherworldly charm.
Tang (2007) by Kenny Scharf
Artwork Information
Title | Tang |
Artist | Kenny Scharf |
Date | 2007 |
Art Movement | Lowbrow Art |