The artwork, titled “Tengu,” is a creation by the artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi, who was part of the Ukiyo-e art movement. This mythological painting encompasses various elements indicative of the Edo period’s rich folklore themes.
The artwork presents a vibrant and dynamic scene set in a forest. At the center of the composition, a figure with an elaborate and traditional robe, likely representing a sage or spiritual leader, is depicted in a seated position. Surrounding this central figure are several tengu, mythical creatures known in Japanese folklore, depicted with avian characteristics such as wings and beaks. They are engaged in various animated poses, some leaping through the air and others interacting with the central sage figure. The coloration is vivid, with deep reds, blues, and earthy tones predominating the scene, lending a dramatic mood to the depiction of this mythological narrative. The background features towering trees and a cascading waterfall, further contributing to the mystical ambiance of the artwork.