“Tent Mountain,” created by Nicholas Roerich in 1933, stands as an exemplar of the Symbolism movement. This landscape artwork, executed on canvas with tempera, is part of Roerich’s “Holy Mountains” series and measures 46.5 by 78.5 cm. It is currently housed in the Nicholas Roerich Museum in New York City, NY, US.
The artwork portrays a mystical and serene landscape dominated by a prominent mountain peak in the center, shaded in deep hues of purple and blue. The foreground features angular rock formations bathed in muted red tones, drawing the eye towards ancient, fortress-like structures perched on the cliffs. Beyond the central mountain, a series of distant peaks emerge through a blanket of mist, rendered in softer shades of lavender and grey. The sky above is an otherworldly gradient of green and peach, accentuated with streaks of pink and orange, evoking a sense of dawn or twilight. The combination of vivid colors and ethereal forms imbues the scene with a sense of the sublime, while the ancient structures suggest a timeless, almost sacred quality.