The artwork, titled “Tetramorph,” is attributed to the artist known as “Orthodox Icons” and dates back to approximately 1350. It belongs to the Late Byzantine/Palaeologan Renaissance art movement, which spanned from around 1261 to 1453. The piece is categorized within the genres of icons and miniatures and is a part of the series “Angels and Ethereal Powers.”
The artwork showcases a central figure surrounded by an aura of gold leaf, a hallmark of Byzantine art that imbues the piece with a sacred and ethereal quality. The figure is adorned with intricately detailed wings, displaying a combination of red and black hues. The meticulous brushstrokes highlight the feathers, creating a sense of depth and texture. The figure, with a serene and enigmatic expression, is encircled by a golden halo, further emphasizing its divine nature. The composition is framed with a red border, adding a sense of completeness to the piece. The faded inscriptions around the figure and the aged appearance of the artwork contribute to its timeless and otherworldly ambiance.