The artwork, titled “The Acheson Sisters,” was created by John Singer Sargent in 1902 using oil on canvas. This portrait, executed in the Realism art movement, measures 273.6 x 200.6 cm.
The artwork displays a masterful depiction of three women, presumably the Acheson sisters, posed amidst an outdoor setting. The sisters are adorned in luxurious, flowing white dresses that capture the light and convey the textures of the fabric. One sister stands on the left reaching up towards a tree, displaying a dynamic posture, while another sits gracefully in the center, and the third stands elegantly on the right. The background features a large ornamental urn and a tree laden with fruit, providing a rich and detailed backdrop that contrasts with the refined figures in the foreground. The overall composition and attention to detail are characteristic of Sargent’s skill in portraiture, capturing both the individuality of his subjects and the harmony of the scene.