The artwork titled “The Angel of Matthew” was created by Andrei Rublev around the year 1400 in Moscow, Russian Federation. This piece belongs to the Byzantine and Moscow school of icon painting and is classified as a miniature. It is part of the “Khitrovo Gospels” series and is currently held at the Russian State Library in Moscow, Russia.
The artwork depicts an angel, representing Saint Matthew, rendered within a circular frame. The angel is adorned in a flowing, light blue robe with hints of purple shadows, accentuating the delicate folds of the fabric as it drapes over the figure’s body. The angel’s wings, painted in deep, dark tones, add a sense of movement and grace to the figure. The angel is shown holding a rectangular object, presumably a gospel book, against a golden-brown background that provides a contrasting backdrop to the vivid colors of the angel’s attire. The meticulous attention to detail and the use of vibrant hues exemplify the intricate workmanship characteristic of Byzantine iconography.