The artwork, titled “The Apotheosis of Ramon Hoyos,” is a genre painting created by Fernando Botero in 1959. It is representative of the Neo-Figurative Art movement.
In this artwork, Fernando Botero employs his distinctive style, characterized by exaggerated, voluminous forms and vibrant colors, to depict a scene brimming with dynamic figures. The focal point appears to be a central figure, ostensibly Ramon Hoyos, amidst an exuberant array of overlapping human figures, who are portrayed in Botero’s signature rotund and whimsical manner. The surrounding individuals are depicted engaging in various gestures and expressions, giving the piece a lively and somewhat chaotic atmosphere. The use of bright color patches against a dark backdrop further accentuates the vibrancy and movement within the composition, positioning this work as a notable example of Botero’s thematic and stylistic exploration in the Neo-Figurative Art movement.