The artwork, titled “The Battle of Dorylaeum,” was created by Gustave Doré. It belongs to the Romanticism art movement and is an illustration from the series “Bibliotheque des Croisades.” The artwork depicts the Battle of Dorylaeum, a significant confrontation between Crusaders and Turks during the Crusades.
The illustration presents a dramatic and intense scene of combat. A vast number of Crusader soldiers are shown advancing in a densely packed formation, their spears and shields raised, portraying a sense of unity and determination. The warriors at the forefront are engaged in fierce hand-to-hand combat, while the fallen bodies of both Crusaders and Turks lie strewn across the battlefield, emphasizing the brutality and chaos of war. In the background, further lines of soldiers and a distant landscape reinforce the scale of the conflict. Doré’s intricate line work and attention to detail capture the intensity and turmoil of this historic battle, embodying the Romanticism movement’s focus on dramatic and emotional depictions of historical events.