“The Bouquet of Roses,” crafted by Marc Chagall in 1980 in Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France, is a lithograph on paper that measures 116 by 75 centimeters. This artwork belongs to the genre painting category, specifically under the Naïve Art (Primitivism) movement.
The artwork depicts a vibrant and animated scene with a large vase of roses as the central focus. Displayed in vivid, expressive strokes, it exudes a whimsical and dreamlike quality, characteristic of Chagall’s style. Surrounding the bouquet, various elements such as a woman in profile, a large bird, and a man with an outstretched arm convey a sense of narrative and interaction. A tranquil village landscape in the background enhances the enchanting and surreal atmosphere of the composition. The use of color and rhythm in the brushstrokes imbues the scene with life and emotion, drawing the viewer into Chagall’s unique, imaginative world.