“The Boy,” crafted by Amedeo Modigliani circa 1918 in Paris, France, is an evocative portrait rendered in oil on canvas. Created during the Expressionist movement, this work measures 92.1 by 60.3 cm and is currently housed at the Indianapolis Museum of Art in Indianapolis, Indiana, United States.
The artwork depicts a contemplative boy with downcast eyes and a solemn expression. The boy, adorned in a grey coat, rests his head on his right hand, with his elbow positioned on a surface, possibly a table. Subdued, earthy colors form the background, subtly contrasting with the boy’s pale complexion and rendering a thoughtful ambiance to the composition. Modigliani’s distinctive style is evident in the elongation of the boy’s face and neck, along with the minimalistic yet evocative use of color and form.