“The Cellist (Portrait of Upaupa Scheklud),” created by Paul Gauguin in 1894, is an oil on canvas painting that falls within the Post-Impressionism movement. This portrait is part of the collection at the Baltimore Museum of Art (BMA) in Baltimore, MD, United States. It depicts the subject engaged in the act of playing the cello, and showcases Gauguin’s distinctive style and use of color as it was exemplary during the post-impressionist period.
The artwork reveals a man seated while playing the cello, his body angled to accommodate the instrument. His face, turned slightly to his right, gives the viewer a clear view of his profile. The cellist’s attire is not overtly detailed but suggests the attire of the period nonetheless. The artist employs bold, solid colors and outlines that typify the Post-Impressionist approach to form and contour. The background is comprised of abstract elements and muted tones that contrast with the vivid colors used for the subject, particularly the rich red of the cello. Gauguin’s signature can be seen at the top right of the painting, adding a personal touch to this evocative piece. The full and thoughtful rendering of the musician captures not only his physical likeness but also the intensity and immersion in his musical performance.