The artwork titled “The Chair” was created by the renowned artist Salvador Dali in the year 1975. It is a representative piece from the Surrealist movement, a genre characterized by unconventional and often dream-like elements that defy the boundaries of realistic depiction. The genre of this artwork is figurative, implying a focus on the human form or other recognizable objects, although they may be presented in an abstract or distorted manner.
Upon examining the artwork, one observes a series of images arranged in a grid-like fashion, consisting of four separate but related panels. The top two panels feature an isolated wooden chair placed against a serene backdrop of a clear sky that seamlessly transitions into a calm sea horizon. The chair casts a shadow, suggesting the presence of an unseen light source.
The bottom two panels introduce a more complex scenario. In these depictions, the viewer encounters the back of a figure with long, reddish hair, adorned with a sizable bow. The figure is seemingly in the act of painting, with a paintbrush extending towards a canvas that the viewer cannot see. This sequence of actions adds to the surreal atmosphere by portraying the painting process itself, further blurring the line between the artist, the art, and the subject.
Curiously, in the backdrop of these latter panels, one can note a series of stem-like objects which, upon closer inspection, resemble inverted glasses, reinforcing the oddity and surreal quality that is characteristic of Dali’s works.