The artwork titled “The Cherry Tree,” created by the artist Balthus circa 1940, is an oil on canvas piece adhering to the Expressionism movement. It measures 93 x 73 cm and falls under the landscape genre. Currently, it is part of a private collection.
In the artwork, a serene and picturesque landscape is depicted. At the forefront, a young girl is standing on a ladder, her arms reaching into the thick foliage of a robust cherry tree. The setting is bathed in a gentle, golden light, characteristic of either early morning or late afternoon, casting long, soft shadows across the lush green grass. In the background, a verdant hill stretches out, dotted with trees, and further still, craggy mountains rise towards the sky, creating a tranquil and evocative scene. The blend of detailed natural elements and the figure’s contemplative posture elicits a sense of quiet reverie, aligning harmoniously with the emotive and subjective qualities that distinguish Expressionism.