The artwork, titled “The Children Destroyed by Bears,” is an engraving created by Gustave Doré in 1866. This piece, part of the Romanticism art movement and categorized under the genre of religious painting, is included in the series “The Holy Bible.”
The engraving depicts a dramatic and intense scene from a biblical narrative. At the center of the composition, two bears are depicted attacking a group of children, who are shown in various states of distress and attempting to escape. In the background, a figure draped in robes stands seemingly overseeing or witnessing the event, adding to the severity and solemnity of the scene. The use of intricate lines and shadows enhances the sense of movement and panic among the children, while the detailed portrayal of the bears emphasizes their ferocity. The trees on either side frame the composition, adding to the sense of enclosure and inevitability. The artwork powerfully captures the tension and emotion of the biblical event it represents.