“The Color Beneath,” crafted by James Turrell in 2013 in Oslo, Norway, is an evocative example of the Light and Space, as well as Environmental (Land) Art movements. This installation is part of Turrell’s renowned “Skyspaces” series. In this artwork, a mesmerizing interplay of color and light creates a striking visual experience. A large, perfectly circular aperture, presenting a deep blue hue, is set against a contrasting, warm orange background. The simplicity of the geometric forms combined with the intensity of the colors encourages viewers to engage with the perception of light and space, hallmark elements of Turrell’s artistic vision. The serene composition and harmonious color palette evoke contemplation and an immersive experience, hallmark characteristics of the artist’s celebrated series.
The Color Beneath (2013; Oslo, Norway) by James Turrell
Artwork Information
Title | The Color Beneath |
Artist | James Turrell |
Date | 2013; Oslo, Norway |
Art Movement | Light and Space,Environmental (Land) Art |