“The Cup of Milk,” created by William-Adolphe Bouguereau, is an exquisite oil painting on canvas, representing the tenets of Academicism. This genre painting, measuring 71.7 by 50.4 cm, embodies the artist’s meticulous style and adherence to classical ideals.
The artwork depicts a tender scene of a young child seated on the ground, cradling a ceramic cup brimming with milk. The child, dressed in simple, elegant attire, gazes directly at the viewer with an expression of innocence and contemplation. The background reveals a serene landscape of soft, distant mountains under a tranquil sky, enhancing the overall sense of peace and simplicity. Bouguereau’s extraordinary attention to detail is evident in the delicate rendering of the child’s curls, the realistic depiction of the fabric, and the naturalistic portrayal of the light and shadows. The composition conveys a moment of quiet introspection, captured through the lens of Academicism’s precision and idealization.