The artwork titled “The Dawn of Cayenne,” created by Rene Magritte in 1926 in Brussels, Belgium, is rendered in oil on canvas. As a product of the Surrealism art movement, it belongs to the genre of symbolic painting.
In the artwork, Magritte epitomizes the surrealist approach with an enigmatic and dream-like composition. The foreground features a disembodied pair of hands, draped in white fabric, gripping a large red comb and what appears to be a tapering object. A lit candle and two wooden planks arranged in a peculiar manner are situated next to the hands. In the background, a leafless tree floats against a clouded sky, further heightening the surreal atmosphere. The juxtaposition of ordinary objects in unusual contexts creates an enigmatic and thought-provoking scene, characteristic of Magritte’s symbolic and surrealist methods.