The artwork is titled “The Earl of Wemyss and March,” created by the esteemed artist John Singer Sargent in 1909. This oil on canvas painting measures 163.2 x 115.6 cm and belongs to the Realism art movement. It is classified within the portrait genre and is currently held in a private collection.
The artwork depicts an elderly gentleman standing with a stately demeanor, dressed in dark, formal attire. His face is framed by white hair and sideburns, and he gazes forward with a composed and solemn expression. The background is dark and unobtrusive, which serves to emphasize the subject’s distinguished presence. The subject’s hands rest one on a cane and the other on what appears to be a hat, contributing to the overall impression of understated elegance and poise. The painting is a masterful example of Sargent’s ability to capture the essence and dignity of his sitter through precise brushwork and a keen sense of detail.