The artwork, titled “The Ecstasy of St. Teresa” and located within the Cornaro Chapel, is a masterful creation by the renowned artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Executed between 1647 and 1652, this mixed-media sculpture is a quintessential representation of the Baroque art movement. Residing in the Santa Maria della Vittoria in Rome, Italy, this piece transcends the boundaries of sculpture, capturing an ethereal moment of divine ecstasy as experienced by St. Teresa.
The artwork masterfully showcases the moment of spiritual transcendence. Bernini’s depiction of St. Teresa, enveloped in flowing drapery, conveys a sense of motion and intensity. An angelic figure stands beside her, poised to pierce her heart with a golden arrow, symbolizing divine love. The surrounding golden rays emanate from a hidden light source, further accentuating the miraculous and otherworldly atmosphere of this sacred encounter. Bernini’s intricate detailing, from the angel’s serene expression to Teresa’s enraptured gaze, epitomizes his ability to blend realism with theatrical grandeur, leading the viewer to a heightened emotional experience reminiscent of Baroque artistry.