The artwork, titled “The Electric State,” is a digital illustration created by the artist Simon Stalenhag in 2017. This piece is part of the art movement known as Digital Art and belongs to the genre of illustration. It is included in the series called “The Electric State.”
“The Electric State” depicts a surreal, futuristic scene set in a desolate landscape. A large, spherical structure dominates the background, resting precariously on stilts, with a giant advertisement of a woman and doves painted on its surface. The logo “SENTRÉ” is prominently displayed on the structure. The scene is enveloped in a cold, wintry atmosphere, with scattered snow covering the ground and trees, under a dimly lit, overcast sky. In the foreground, a solitary car is seen following a winding road, emphasizing the isolation and melancholy of the setting. The artwork combines elements of reality with science fiction, creating a haunting and imaginative vision of an alternate world.