The artwork, titled “The Emaciated Officials,” was created by Marc Chagall around 1923 in Paris, France. Executed using the medium of etching on paper, this piece is part of the Naïve Art (Primitivism) movement and falls under the genre of illustration. It belongs to the series “Dead Souls” and is currently housed in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, Russia.
In this etching, Chagall vividly portrays a group of officials who appear emaciated and grotesque, capturing a sense of distress and absurdity. The figures are elongated and exaggerated, with expressions of anguish and confusion, enhancing the surreal and abstract quality typical of Chagall’s work. The attire and postures of the officials are depicted in a manner that suggests both formality and disarray, reflecting the chaotic nature of the scene. The background is indistinct, with a sketch-like quality that adds to the haunting and whimsical atmosphere of the composition.