“The Farmyard,” an artwork created by Marc Chagall between 1954 and 1962 in France, belongs to the Naïve Art (Primitivism) movement. Executed in oil on canvas, this genre painting measures 60 by 73 centimeters and resides in a private collection.
The artwork portrays a vibrant pastoral scene anchored by a prominently featured golden-yellow cow. The cow’s large form dominates the foreground, extending from the right edge and partially interacting with the surrounding environment. Below the cow, a lively rooster, rendered in a mix of red, white, and gray hues, adds to the rural ambiance. A bucket rests at the bottom right, suggesting a typical farmyard activity. On the right side of the composition, a female figure dressed in traditional attire, with blue and white garments, is depicted in a contemplative or caregiving pose. The background, filled with deep blues and greens, suggests a lush, thriving rural environment. The overlapping forms and rich, expressive colors embody the whimsical and folkloric elements characteristic of Chagall’s Naïve Art style.