“The Fireplace” is a notable artwork created by Pierre Bonnard in 1917. This piece, crafted with oil on canvas, belongs to the Intimism movement and features the genre of nude painting (nu). The artwork measures 81 by 127 centimeters and is currently part of a private collection.
The artwork portrays a striking composition with a distinct play of light and shadow. Central to the scene is a nude female figure positioned in front of an intricately detailed fireplace. The vibrant warmth of the colors used and the softness of the lines evoke a sense of intimacy and domesticity characteristic of the Intimism movement. The juxtaposition of the elements within the composition, such as the vases and the adornments on the mantel, contribute to the overall depth and richness of the scene. The careful brushwork and the layered textures accentuate the tranquil and introspective mood of the artwork.