“The Flash,” created by Rene Magritte in 1959 in Brussels, Belgium, is a still life artwork representative of the Surrealism art movement. In this piece, Magritte masterfully blends elements of reality and imagination, characteristic of Surrealism.
The artwork portrays a large white vase that holds an intricately detailed, ethereal bouquet. The bouquet seems to be partly solid and partly comprised of cut-out shapes resembling foliage and flowers. These cut-out shapes expose a serene, light blue sky in the background, further adding to the fantastical nature of the composition. The vase is placed on a textured, dark-colored table, which contrasts starkly with the light and airy appearance of the bouquet. Subtle hues of blue, purple, and yellow accentuate the flowers, contributing to an overall dreamlike quality. This juxtaposition between the tangible and the surreal highlights Magritte’s unique approach to still life within the Surrealism movement.