“The Four Corners” is a work by the artist Francesco Clemente, created in the year 1985. The medium of this artwork is gouache on twelve sheets of handmade Pondicherry paper, which are joined by cotton strips. It is a significant piece from the Transavantgarde movement, measuring 94 x 94 inches (238.8 x 238.8 cm) and is classified under the figurative genre. The artwork is currently part of the collection owned by Barbara Radice and is located in Milan.
The artwork presents a striking visual composition featuring a gigantic hand imposed over a map-like representation. Its palm and fingers stretch across the canvas, with geographical outlines suggestive of landmasses and bodies of water overlaid on the skin. The natural seams and crevices of the palm and fingers enhance the map-like illusion, creating a sense of terrain and topography. The background is marked by a bold blue color with white star-like motifs scattered throughout, perhaps alluding to a celestial or cosmic dimension. The convergence of cartographical elements with human anatomy in the artwork evokes themes of exploration, identity, and the interconnectedness of humanity with the greater universe. The bold colors and distinct outlines typical of the Transavantgarde movement endow the piece with a sense of immediacy and a vivid presence.