The artwork is titled “The Fourteenth of July Celebration in Paris,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1886 in Paris, France. Executed using oil on canvas, this painting is a notable piece within the Post-Impressionism movement and falls under the cityscape genre. It remains part of a private collection.
The artwork vividly captures the festive spirit of the Fourteenth of July celebration through Van Gogh’s characteristic bold and expressive brushwork. The scene is alive with vibrant strokes of red, white, and blue, representing the French national colors. Figures can be discerned among the energetic swirls and dashes of color, suggesting a bustling crowd partaking in the celebration. Architecture and foliage are suggested with broad, dynamic strokes, evoking the lively atmosphere of Parisian streets on this national holiday. The artist’s innovative use of color and form communicates a sense of movement and excitement, encapsulating the celebratory essence of the day.