The artwork “The Girls,” created by Tamara de Lempicka circa 1930, is an oil on canvas that belongs to the Art Deco movement and falls under the portrait genre.
In the artwork, the viewer is presented with a striking depiction of two women, rendered in Tamara de Lempicka’s signature stylized and geometric approach. The figures are portrayed with an enigmatic elegance and somber expressiveness, characterized by sharply defined contours and a smooth, polished finish. Both women have meticulously styled hair and wear vibrant red lipstick, which contrasts with the muted color palette of blues and grays enveloping them. The background, composed of an abstract architectural setting, further accentuates the modernist aesthetic of the piece, positioning it firmly within the Art Deco movement. The closeness of the two figures suggests a deep, perhaps intimate, bond, capturing a moment of shared solitude or mutual contemplation.