“The Great Calavera of Emiliano Zapata,” created by the artist Jose Guadalupe Posada, is a caricature artwork that belongs to the Modernismo art movement. The artwork is a striking illustration prominently featuring calaveras (skeletons) and is characterized by its vivid and provocative style.
The artwork shows a skeletal figure of Emiliano Zapata, a famous Mexican revolutionary leader, depicted as a calavera (skeleton). Zapata is shown riding a skeletal horse, wielding a staff with a skull flag in one hand, while carrying a rifle on his back. The background features an array of calaveras, with small skeleton figures in various poses. The illustration is imbued with dark humor and social commentary, consistent with Posada’s style, and rendered in a stark, high-contrast black on an orange background. Surrounding the central image is text in Spanish, adding narrative and context to the visual elements. The grim yet humorous depiction captures the spirit of the Day of the Dead and reflects the cultural and political critiques common in Posada’s work.