The artwork named “The Great Cheetah,” created by Howard Finster in 1987, is a notable example of the Art Brut movement and belongs to the genre of animal painting. The artwork portrays a stylized depiction of a cheetah, emblematic of Finster’s distinctive and unorthodox artistic approach.
In the artwork, the cheetah is presented in a somewhat whimsical and exaggerated manner characteristic of Art Brut. The figure of the cheetah is elongated with an exaggerated curvature along its back and tail, and it is adorned with a vibrant orange hue. Its body is embellished with dark, irregularly-shaped spots that cover its entire form. The face of the cheetah is small in proportion to its body, giving it a unique and animated expression. The overall composition conveys a sense of movement and dynamism through the cheetah’s poised stance, alluding to the animal’s renowned speed and agility. The painting captures an intricate balance between simplicity and complexity, reflecting Finster’s inventive and idiosyncratic style.