The artwork, titled “The Harvest,” was created by Harmonia Rosales in 2018. It is part of the artist’s series “New World Consciousness (2018)” and belongs to the postcolonial art movement. This piece can be classified as both an allegorical and religious painting.
In the artwork, a black woman with a serene expression is seated centrally, enveloped in red drapery, against a backdrop of gold leaves. Surrounding her are children of varying skin tones, vying for her attention and touch, with one child reading a book near her feet. A human skull adorned with beads rests beside the seated woman’s foot, symbolizing mortality and the transient nature of life. A snake slithers across the bottom of the scene, hinting at themes of temptation and wisdom. The overall composition utilizes rich, evocative colors and symbolic elements to communicate a complex narrative of identity, heritage, and spiritual strength.