“The Lady at the Dressing Table,” created by Aubrey Beardsley around 1897, is an illustration rendered in wash and ink on paper, notable within the Art Nouveau (Modern) movement. The artwork measures 16.5 by 19.7 cm and is housed at the Yale Center for British Art in New Haven, Connecticut.
This evocative piece illustrates a scene involving two women, one seated at a dressing table, being assisted by another with her coiffure, signifying the intimacy and elegance associated with daily rituals of beauty. The composition is characterized by a blend of detailed and stylized elements, typical of Beardsley’s unique artistic style. The delicate interplay of light and dark areas, along with the intricate detailing, demonstrates Beardsley’s mastery of both medium and form. In the background, architectural elements and an ornate bird stand further enrich the visual narrative, contributing to the overall depth and intricacy of the composition.