“The Lake,” a landscape artwork created by the esteemed artist Tarsila do Amaral in 1928, is a notable example of Naïve Art (Primitivism). Currently held in a private collection, this piece exemplifies Amaral’s distinctive style and vibrant use of color.
The artwork presents a serene yet surreal landscape, imbued with bright and playful colors that highlight the variety of flora. Pinks, greens, and blues dominate the palette, creating a harmonious and whimsical scene. The lake, central to the composition, is surrounded by abstracted botanical forms that seem to dance around the water. Each element, from the round, softly exaggerated tree leaves to the blooming flowers, contributes to the dreamlike quality of the piece. The distinct blend of simplicity in shapes and boldness in tones encapsulates the essence of Naïve Art, reflecting Amaral’s mastery in portraying both sophistication and innocence within her work.