The artwork titled “The Last Judgement: Jacob, Abraham and Isaac in Heaven” was created by the renowned artist Andrei Rublev in the year 1408. It is located in the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir, Russia, and was painted as part of a series for this cathedral. The piece is executed as a fresco and belongs to both the Byzantine and the Moscow school of icon painting art movements, reflecting religious themes faithful to that era.
In the fresco, we observe three prominent biblical figures—Jacob, Abraham, and Isaac—each adorned with a halo, signifying their sainthood and divine connection. They are seated, and the setting appears to be celestial, in line with the work’s title which implies a depiction of Heaven. The clothing and postures of the figures reflect the styles typical of Byzantine art, with a solemn and iconic presence. The background includes palm branches and what could be interpreted as representations of Paradise.
The fresco shows the signs of aging and wear, which is common in works of this age and medium. Cracks and fragmentation of the plaster surface are visible. Despite this, the reverence and the spiritual atmosphere of the piece remain intact, and the significance of these patriarchs in the context of the Last Judgement is clear.