The Last Supper, created by Albrecht Dürer in 1523, is an esteemed artwork of the Northern Renaissance. Crafted with pen and ink, this religious painting resides in the Albertina museum in Vienna, Austria. As a depiction of a pivotal moment in Christian theology, the artwork exhibits Dürer’s keen attention to detail and his remarkable skill in the use of line to convey depth and form.
The artwork presents the iconic scene of The Last Supper, where Jesus Christ shares a final meal with his disciples before his crucifixion. The composition is intimate and filled with a multitude of interacting figures. Dürer has positioned the figures around a long table, with a clear focus on the central figure, presumably Jesus. The use of hatching and cross-hatching grants the scene a textural quality, and despite being monochrome, there is a palpable sense of space and volume. Emotions are captured through the expressive faces and gestures of the disciples, who are engaged in conversation, displaying various reactions to the unfolding event. In the background, architectural details and a hanging lamp contribute to the setting’s authenticity. The artwork, rendered with such meticulous detail, is not only a testament to Dürer’s virtuosity but also a compelling visual narrative that encapsulates a moment of great theological significance.