“The Last Supper” by Andy Warhol, created in 1986, is a portrayal of one of the most renowned scenes in religious art, positioned within the Pop Art movement and categorized as a religious painting. The artwork features a contemporary interpretation of Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic depiction of Jesus Christ’s final meal with his disciples.
In the artwork, Warhol uses his distinctive Pop Art aesthetics to recreate the famous scene. The image is presented in a duplicated format, with two identical renditions of “The Last Supper” stacked vertically within the frame. The color palette is limited to stark contrasts, predominantly in vibrant orange and black, which creates a striking visual impact. The composition highlights the solemn figures of Jesus and his disciples, capturing the moment with a modern, stylized approach characteristic of Warhol’s oeuvre. This rendition pays homage to the original while simultaneously transforming it through the lens of 20th-century pop culture.