“The Last Supper,” created by Hans Holbein the Younger between 1524 and 1525 in Germany, is an exquisite oil painting on wood. As a notable work of the Northern Renaissance art movement, the artwork measures 65 x 48 cm and belongs to the religious painting genre. Currently, it is housed in the Kunstmuseum Basel, located in Basel, Switzerland.
The artwork depicts the iconic biblical scene of the Last Supper, where Jesus Christ is seated with his twelve apostles. Holbein’s composition places Jesus at the center, radiating a calm and serene demeanor, in stark contrast to the varied expressions and interactions of the apostles around him. The setting is adorned with classical architectural elements, such as columns and arches, which frame the tranquil backdrop of leafy vines and blue sky, hinting at an idyllic and serene environment. The details in each figure’s clothing, from the folds to the vibrant colors, showcase Holbein’s masterful technique and the influence of the Northern Renaissance’s emphasis on naturalism and attention to detail.