“The Lemon” is an exquisite piece of art crafted by the renowned artist Edouard Manet in 1880. The artwork, an oil on canvas, is a fine example of the Realism art movement. It measures 14 x 22 cm and falls under the still life genre. This particular work is displayed at the Musée d’Orsay in Paris and was also created in the city of Paris, France.
The artwork presents a single lemon poised on a dark plate. The lighting highlights the textured surface of the lemon, rendering it with a vivid, luminous yellow that stands out against the subdued tones of the background and the plate. The brushwork suggests the tactile nature of the lemon’s peel, and the play of light adds dimension and realism to the composition. Manet’s focus on everyday subjects is evident here, exemplifying his approach within the Realism movement to capture scenes and objects from ordinary life with honesty and directness. The simplicity of the subject contrasts with the depth of the execution, making “The Lemon” not just a representation of a fruit, but also a study of light, shade, and form. The painting’s small scale enhances its intimacy, inviting close inspection and contemplation.