The artwork, titled “The Liberated Earth with The Powers of Nature Controlled by Man,” was created by Diego Rivera between 1926 and 1927. Executed in the fresco medium, this piece exemplifies the Muralism art movement. Its dimensions are 692 x 598 cm, and it is classified as an allegorical painting. The artwork is currently located at Chapingo Autonomous University in Texcoco, Mexico.
In the artwork, Rivera presents an intricate scene dominated by a reclining nude female figure symbolic of the Earth, expressing themes of nature and human innovation. Surrounding the central figure are several human forms engaged in industrious activities, signifying humanity’s control and manipulation of nature’s forces. The presence of mechanical elements and natural landscapes highlights the duality of the organic and the mechanical. The artwork is imbued with vibrant colors and dynamic forms, reinforcing the central allegory of human progress and dominion over natural elements.