“The Mask of the Red Death,” created by Aubrey Beardsley between 1894 and 1895, is a compelling work of illustration associated with the Art Nouveau (Modern) movement. This artwork showcases Beardsley’s characteristic style, with intricate line work and elaborate details.
The artwork features a central figure adorned with a black headdress with long protruding horns, elegant shoulder accessories, and a striking midriff-baring outfit adorned with masks. Surrounding this central figure are other characters, each crafted with distinctive and exaggerated expressions and attire, which create a scene of theatrical and enigmatic ambiance. The use of bold, black lines on a white background emphasizes the contrasts and adds to the dramatic and somewhat eerie atmosphere. The characters appear to be engaged in an elaborate masquerade, reflecting the themes of Poe’s tale with minimalistic yet evocative detail.