The artwork titled “The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth” was created by Damien Hirst in 2008. This piece belongs to the Expressionism art movement and is categorized under the genre of still life.
The artwork comprises three panels, each framed in gold, depicting a monochromatic composition dominated by an oil-on-canvas execution. At the center of these compositions, the presence of skulls set against a dark background is evident, highlighting themes of mortality and existence. The skulls are intersected by fine, white lines resembling a geometric lattice, suggesting a sense of spatial confinement or a structured environment. The stark contrast between the luminous skulls and the dark canvas evokes a somber and contemplative mood, characteristic of Hirst’s exploration of life and death. The triptych format of the artwork enhances the narrative through its sequential arrangement, inviting the viewer to reflect on the transient nature of life.