“The Melancholy of Departure,” created by Giorgio de Chirico in 1916 in Italy, is an evocative piece with dimensions of 50.5 x 34 cm. Rendered in oil on canvas, the artwork belongs to the Metaphysical art movement and is categorized as a symbolic painting. This significant piece is currently housed in the Tate Modern in London, UK.
The artwork showcases a surreal composition, typical of de Chirico’s metaphysical style, where geometric shapes and architectural elements are juxtaposed in a manner that evokes a sense of enigmatic stillness and introspection. A map-like depiction at the bottom hints at departure and journey, further accentuated by the flag on the left, symbolizing a static moment amid impending movement. The use of contrasting colors and varied textures adds depth, making the piece a contemplative study of melancholy and the passage of time.