“The Mill of Alphonse Daudet at Fontevieille,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1888, is a captivating landscape artwork rendered in ink and watercolor on paper. This piece, measuring 30 x 50 cm, epitomizes the Post-Impressionism movement in which Van Gogh was a prominent figure. The artwork, currently residing in a private collection, was painted in Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, France.
The artwork depicts a serene and picturesque landscape dominated by a windmill, which stands as the focal point against a backdrop of sparse clouds set in a clear blue sky. The foreground showcases meticulously detailed rows of greenery, likely agricultural fields, illustrating Van Gogh’s keen observation of nature and rustic life. The buildings scattered across the horizon, including the windmill, are sketched with confident, bold lines, infusing the piece with a dynamic and textured quality. The use of ink emphasizes the structural elements, while the gentle application of watercolor adds a fluid dimension of color, bringing the scene to life. This landscape captures a moment of quietude and simplicity, reflecting the artist’s profound connection with the rural French countryside.