“The Murder” is an artwork by Paul Cezanne, created around 1868 and executed in oil on canvas. Falling within the Romanticism art movement, this genre painting measures 65.5 by 80.7 centimeters. Currently, the artwork is housed at the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool, UK.
The artwork presents a deeply dramatic scene, emphasizing intense emotion and action which are characteristic of the Romantic period. Two figures are evident in the midst of a mortal struggle, with one overpowering the other who lies prone on the ground. The aggressor appears to be in the act of inflicting a fatal blow, and his muscular form is tensed with the effort. Dark, moody colors predominate, depicting a night scene with minimal lighting, possibly from a distant or unseen source. The brushwork seems swift and urgent, reinforcing the violent and tragic nature of the scene. The figures are ill-defined, almost melting into the dark background, allowing the viewer’s focus to rest on the physicality and brutality of the interaction rather than individual identities or detailed expressions. The setting’s sparse detail prevents any distraction from the horrifying central event, thus increasing the painting’s emotional impact. Overall, the piece captures a moment of ferocity and raw humanity, consistent with the sensibilities of Romantic art that often explored the depths of human experience and emotion.