“The Myth of Orpheus,” created by Marc Chagall in 1977 in France, is an oil on canvas painting that belongs to the Surrealism movement. With dimensions of 97 x 146 cm, this mythological painting is part of a private collection.
The artwork presents a fantastical tableau that is typical of Chagall’s surrealist endeavors. Dominated by rich, deep hues and expressive forms, it illustrates the mythological story of Orpheus, blending reality with the otherworldly. Several human figures intermingle with mythical creatures, and a large red orb, perhaps symbolizing the sun or the divine, is prominent in the top left. The figures are rendered in vibrant blues, greens, and yellows, creating a dynamic and dreamlike atmosphere. The presence of a lyre-playing figure, likely representing Orpheus himself, adds a focal point of narrative, linking the work to ancient mythology. The overall composition echoes Chagall’s characteristic style, filled with symbolic imagery and ethereal, floating forms.