“The Old Station at Eindhoven,” created by the renowned artist Vincent van Gogh in 1885 in Nunen (Nuenen), Netherlands, is an exemplary piece of Realism. Painted using oil on canvas, the artwork represents the cityscape genre and is currently part of a private collection.
In the artwork, van Gogh masterfully captures a serene yet somber scene of the old station at Eindhoven during a winter’s day. The thick application of oil paint brings out the texture of the snowy ground and the bare trees standing starkly against the muted, overcast sky. The station’s structure dominates the midground, its dark silhouette contrasting with the lighter shades of snow and sky. Figures are depicted walking along the pathway, adding a touch of life to the otherwise tranquil setting. Van Gogh’s use of subdued colors and heavy brushstrokes typifies the Realism movement, portraying a simple yet evocative snapshot of Dutch life in the late 19th century.