The artwork, titled “The Old Tower,” is an oil painting on canvas by the renowned artist Vincent van Gogh, completed in 1884 in Nuenen, Netherlands. The piece belongs to the Realism movement and measures 18.8 by 21.6 centimeters. It is categorized under the landscape genre and is currently housed in the E.G. Bührle Foundation in Zürich, Switzerland.
The artwork depicts an imposing solitary tower that stands prominently against a muted and cloud-streaked sky. The dark, weathered structure is rendered in earthy tones, suggesting a sense of age and abandonment. The surrounding landscape is barren and somber, enhanced by the subdued lighting and the presence of crows circling above, contributing to a melancholic atmosphere. The meticulous brushwork and composition underscore van Gogh’s early style, capturing the stark reality of the rural scene.