“The Outskirts of Paris,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1886 during his time in Paris, France, is an oil-on-cardboard painting. This work of art, belonging to the Post-Impressionism movement, measures 45.7 by 54.6 centimeters and is categorized under the genre painting genre. Presently, it resides in a private collection.
The artwork depicts a scene on the outskirts of Paris, characterized by a subdued palette that encapsulates the somber mood of the area. The sky, brushed with streaks of light clouds, contrasts softly with the muted ground below, where figures are discernible. In the foreground, a solitary lamppost stands among figures traversing a path while the background features structures and farther distant elements like windmills, seamlessly integrating into the landscape to convey rural life against the encroaching urban setting. The brushstrokes and composition reflect van Gogh’s evolving style and profound engagement with his surroundings, highlighting the transitional nature of this locale.