The artwork titled “The Oxen,” created by artist Frank Mason in 2003, is a genre painting that belongs to the Classical Realism art movement. The piece portrays a tranquil rural scene with meticulous attention to realism, capturing the nuances and subtleties of everyday life.
In the artwork, a farmer is depicted guiding a pair of oxen through a serene, bucolic landscape. The use of light and shadow enhances the depth and realism of the scene, with the dense foliage framing the foreground, while the oxen and farmer are bathed in a soft, ethereal light. This well-composed scene immerses the viewer in the simplicity and beauty of pastoral life, showcasing the artist’s skill in rendering natural elements and human activity with great fidelity. The atmospheric perspective and detailed brushwork further contribute to the painting’s realistic quality, echoing the traditions of the Classical Realism movement.