The artwork titled “The Parasol,” created by Francisco Goya in 1777, stands as an exquisite representation of the Romanticism movement, rendered in oil on canvas. The genre painting measures 104 by 152 centimeters and is currently housed in the Museo del Prado in Madrid, Spain. This piece is evocative of the Romantic sensibility of its era, capturing a relaxed moment in nature.
“The Parasol” depicts a young lady seated on the ground adorned in a flowing dress with the luminous tones of yellow and blue, holding a large green parasol gracefully above her head. Accompanying her is a standing gentleman, casually leaning on a tree branch with one hand in his pocket, sporting traditional attire of the period. His protective stance and the shared gaze between the pair suggest a connection or relationship. The soft lighting and pastel sky imply a serene, bucolic setting, and the artwork’s composition conveys a sense of casual elegance and repose, typical of genre scenes from this time. The brushwork is both precise and fluid, allowing the details of the figures’ costume and the natural surrounding to emerge vividly. This scene effortlessly communicates the Romantic ideals of individual expression, the beauty of nature, and emotional depth.