“The Park at Arles,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1889 in Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, France, stands as a testament to the Post-Impressionist movement. Rendered in chalk on paper, this landscape artwork measures 49 x 61.5 cm. Presently, it is housed in the Art Institute of Chicago, located in Chicago, IL, US.
The artwork features a serene park landscape, executed with intricate chalk lines that evoke a sense of depth and texture. The composition is dominated by a central tree, surrounded by a dense arrangement of shrubs and other vegetation. The foliage is depicted with vigorous, dynamic strokes that emphasize movement and energy. The background reveals a variety of plant forms and subtle details, characteristic of van Gogh’s expressive style. The overall monochromatic scheme adds a contemplative mood, drawing attention to the meticulous line work and the natural forms within the scene.